Dear Non-Traditional Students…
Dear non-traditional students, you are unstoppable.
You are willing to overcome circumstance to follow your passions, no matter the cost. Rest assured that time is on your side; forward motion (no matter how small) will propel you towards your goals. Allow those who are skeptical of you to feed your fervor. Take their idle opinions in stride while you show them how to master uncertainties. Only worry that you may wake up one day and not be where you intend to be. If you make your intentions clear the idle will move aside. Academia craves your passion, your drive, and your initiative. Professors respect your diligence and patience. Your cohorts are envious of your resolve; some will try to crucify you for it. Stay the course; those little storms will blow over.
Remember that you have jumped hurdles that were supposed to be too high. You’ve crossed paths that were supposed to be cut off to you. Find solace in having silent strength. There is strength in knowing who you are, in knowing what you want to do. There is strength in accepting that you need help, and in asking for it. You are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of students like you. There’s no penalty for blooming late. Keep harnessing the strength to act of your own accord. There is no award for beginning or finishing with others your age. The only reward worth reaping from life will result from the things you sow. Don’t let others reduce the merit of your life choices because they don’t share them.
Always have faith in yourself,
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