
Can I pigeon-hole myself into a short description?
*After days of trying*, nope! I’m here to free the quirky, the quiet, the awkward and the eclectic people from their cages!

As fellow college student, I know what it’s like to have limited time and money!

This also happens to be the time of our life when we want to do many things that require time and money; like dye our hair wild colors (sorry Mom!), spend our free time making awesome DIYs that we found on Pinterest, and buying *everything* from our favorite shops!

I also understand what it’s like to have needs that must be met on top of having limited time and money. Haircare can get expensive if you have curly, bleached tresses! Skincare can get expensive if your anxiety (or your diet, let’s be real) likes to play on your face! Not to mention that for many students in college, self-care goes completely out of the window, and *all your demons enter*!

What is a penny-pinching gal to do about any of this angst? Well, lucky you, you’ve arrived at a place where you can find those answers; my blog!

In the past 4 years of getting my Associate’s degree, I have lost many battles featuring the previously mentioned. After graduating in May of 2017, I realized that I had so much advice to give that I wished someone had told me. This blog reflects my life, and my experiences, yes. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ advice. But if one person out there can relate to any of my ramblings, leaving my blog feeling less alone or more inspired than they were when they arrived, it will be worth it!

We are all made up of components that alone are slightly unremarkable.

The concept for the blog was rooted in the idea that people who seem different than ourselves, in whatever way that might be, are not so different. If we take all the filters off our lives; if we stop picking and choosing parts of ourselves to represent us wholly and instead lay bare our whole selves in comparison to one another, we could see how fundamental the similarities are. Deep, right? This is clearly something that I’ve thought about before… The concept is important to me (considering that I’ve always wanted to write a blog, but I could never come up with a semi-consistent concept for one until now).

Speaking of consistency, hey, I’m not the most consistent tool in the box. But in the best way! I have such a varied taste when it comes to hobbies/interests. I adore a quality, brewed cup of tea and my ideal ‘deserted island’ dish would be cheese pizza with extra cheese. I’m a fiend for organization of all kinds. I’d like to consider myself to be a competitive thrifter; I think I’ve got a record setting browsing speed when I’m in the mood (and I usually am in the mood)! I’m a serial crafter: I really enjoy DIYs: reworking clothes, scrapbooking, knitting and Decoden (to name a few). I don’t know if baking counts as a craft, but let me just mention that I love baking too (especially where marshmallow fondant is concerned)! I’ve always felt like the best part of life was learning something new, whether in school or during my own time.

Photo of Nicole Stinson at her College Graduation for her Associate's DegreeSince I mentioned before that I’ve got my Associate’s degree, I’ll elaborate a little. I have my Associate’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing from a local community college in my area (turns out I was broke way before college started). I’m not done with school quite yet though; I’ll be working towards my Bachelor’s in Advertising/Public Relations from the Rochester Institute of Technology starting in August of 2017. Not too shabby for a 22-year-old, right?

Now for the juicy personal stuff! I’m caring, passionate, and long-winded (could you tell?)! The mushy stuff is relevant because my only pet, a boy-dog named Legacy (in memory of all the other dogs I’ve had), has separation anxiety which (based on what I know about my dog) is present in dogs with similar symptoms of autism in humans. He’s been a big part of my life for the past 4-6  years. But as for my long-winded tendencies, I’ll try to contain them as much as I can, so bear with me (I hope you don’t mind a tangent or two)!

Other honorable mentions include: (A) reading is more than a hobby for me; it’s essential to my mental health and self-care routine! Without escaping into fiction or reflecting on my life and my blessings through non-fiction I would go nuts (it’s an INFJ/highly sensitive thing)! (B) I value high-quality relationships with people (small talk unnerves me and I’d rather not, thanks), and (C) I’m a multitasker (by now you must have noticed this!). Alas, there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me!

I’ve really, seriously, thought about what I can offer you all and what I want to bring you all as far as content. Rest assured that all the content I post on my blog is tailor-made to reach you in some way! If I fail, tell me! Ask me to clarify, or elaborate. Suggest content that you want to see by taking this quick survey, Slightly Unremarkable Blog’s Feedback! Talk to you soon!
Nicole, xoxo

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