Fall/Winter 2017 Song Compilation

I’ve been bad at keeping up, month by month, I know!


I’ve decided to just compile all the songs I’ve come across when I get the opportunity. We’ll see how it works out!

For now, here are the songs I’ve been listening to on repeat:

Here are the songs only on YouTube:
    Phew! That’s a lot of music! Over 50 songs! Tons of different vibes and artists here to love. I hope you find something you like; let me know in the comments if you do! I’ve tried to put all the music together so you can stream on Soundcloud, but for some songs you may have to rely on Youtube videos if I couldn't find it on Soundcloud. Since some of the songs are preview only on Soundcloud, you can look them up on YouTube too for the full song!

    *SWIMS is actually a duo: SAKIMA and AOBeats! Swoon!
    A few songs are NOT in English.


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