Smartwater Review
For most of my life I’ve drank bottled water. I’ve had all of the major brands and some of the local off-brands. My biggest issue up until recently was that I disliked much of the bottled water that was out there.
So, I drank just enough water for my teen body to survive and no more.
Notice that I said, ‘teen’ body! As soon as I hit 20, I knew that water would have to become a bigger deal in my life than it had been.
I was becoming an adult, and my body was requiring different (and better) fuel for activities other than dragging myself from chair to chair at school (which you might still catch me doing this fall at RIT from time to time).
How does one ‘get back into’ drinking water? Well, I started by getting individual bottles of water from brands that I’d never tried before. After trying VOSS and FIJI, I tried Smartwater which actually made me laugh.
By now you must be thinking: Nicole, you’ve completely lost me! Okay, maybe I jumped ahead a bit, but it’s true! On Smartwater’s packaging, there are cute little puns about water! This is important because I normally meet my 1,000-eye-rolls-a-day quota by rolling my eyes at things I don't find funny!
Besides the funny, the most important aspect I adore is the taste. There isn’t any! 100% no flavor. I can’t guarantee that your experience will be the same because, hey, we all perceive things differently (especially flavors in food). But I have been buying 6-packs of Smartwater from my local Food Lion religiously because there is no flavor! I wake up, the Smartwater on my bedside table is crisp and clear, despite being opened sometimes days before.
Hold it. No she didn’t just say “days before”! Maybe I should’ve explained earlier that my preferred 6-pack includes bottles holding 33.8oz of water each! On an average day, I drink about half of one of those bottles a day (in addition to other less healthier drinks, like tea or sparkling beverages). With other brands of bottled water, upon opening, within 5-8 hours (because you just can’t expect me to drink 16.9oz of water in less than 5 hours, sorry) the water gets stale and tastes funny. That’s a deal-breaker if it’s already taking me 5-8 hours to drink 16.9oz. The good news is that Smartwater has been so not flavorful, I find myself drinking way more than 16.9oz a day! My older sister saw me transformed at once, and since, I’ve convinced her to make the switch to Smartwater as well (although she prefers the smaller 6-packs where each bottle is 16.9oz)!
You might still ask me: What is the Smartwater brand about anyway? Because you care so much about how companiesmake you look impact society and what they’re willing to do for the greater good. They can explain it best; read more about their mission here.
Did I mention that the water is vapor-distilled with electrolytes? Whenever I exercise (sporadically at best), I refuse to drink anything else, as Smartwater really gives me the extra kick I need to keep going (whereas other bottled water has made me feel thirstier). The bottle itself is also 30% plant based.
I’m not saying that Smartwater is the best water of all time, but at the same time I kind of am; whoops!
What’s your favorite kind of water? Do you notice a difference in water sources? If you’ve ever tried Smartwater, let me know what you think!
P.S., Help me directly to create amazing and relatable content by taking this super short survey: Slightly Unremarkable Blog’s Reader Feedback. Responses are 100% confidential and secure through Google Forms. Oh, and this is NOT a sponsored post! All of my opinions in this post are 100% my own, and I get nothing out of writing this post except a warm fuzzy feeling that I’m giving you a good recommendation! :)
Take care and keep in touch,

So, I drank just enough water for my teen body to survive and no more.
Notice that I said, ‘teen’ body! As soon as I hit 20, I knew that water would have to become a bigger deal in my life than it had been.
I was becoming an adult, and my body was requiring different (and better) fuel for activities other than dragging myself from chair to chair at school (which you might still catch me doing this fall at RIT from time to time).
How does one ‘get back into’ drinking water? Well, I started by getting individual bottles of water from brands that I’d never tried before. After trying VOSS and FIJI, I tried Smartwater which actually made me laugh.
By now you must be thinking: Nicole, you’ve completely lost me! Okay, maybe I jumped ahead a bit, but it’s true! On Smartwater’s packaging, there are cute little puns about water! This is important because I normally meet my 1,000-eye-rolls-a-day quota by rolling my eyes at things I don't find funny!
Besides the funny, the most important aspect I adore is the taste. There isn’t any! 100% no flavor. I can’t guarantee that your experience will be the same because, hey, we all perceive things differently (especially flavors in food). But I have been buying 6-packs of Smartwater from my local Food Lion religiously because there is no flavor! I wake up, the Smartwater on my bedside table is crisp and clear, despite being opened sometimes days before.
Hold it. No she didn’t just say “days before”! Maybe I should’ve explained earlier that my preferred 6-pack includes bottles holding 33.8oz of water each! On an average day, I drink about half of one of those bottles a day (in addition to other less healthier drinks, like tea or sparkling beverages). With other brands of bottled water, upon opening, within 5-8 hours (because you just can’t expect me to drink 16.9oz of water in less than 5 hours, sorry) the water gets stale and tastes funny. That’s a deal-breaker if it’s already taking me 5-8 hours to drink 16.9oz. The good news is that Smartwater has been so not flavorful, I find myself drinking way more than 16.9oz a day! My older sister saw me transformed at once, and since, I’ve convinced her to make the switch to Smartwater as well (although she prefers the smaller 6-packs where each bottle is 16.9oz)!
You might still ask me: What is the Smartwater brand about anyway? Because you care so much about how companies
Did I mention that the water is vapor-distilled with electrolytes? Whenever I exercise (sporadically at best), I refuse to drink anything else, as Smartwater really gives me the extra kick I need to keep going (whereas other bottled water has made me feel thirstier). The bottle itself is also 30% plant based.
I’m not saying that Smartwater is the best water of all time, but at the same time I kind of am; whoops!
What’s your favorite kind of water? Do you notice a difference in water sources? If you’ve ever tried Smartwater, let me know what you think!
P.S., Help me directly to create amazing and relatable content by taking this super short survey: Slightly Unremarkable Blog’s Reader Feedback. Responses are 100% confidential and secure through Google Forms. Oh, and this is NOT a sponsored post! All of my opinions in this post are 100% my own, and I get nothing out of writing this post except a warm fuzzy feeling that I’m giving you a good recommendation! :)
Take care and keep in touch,
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